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  3. How to navigate the BrainTap Brain Fitness app?

How do I search for a session, series or playlist on BrainTap App?

This article will guide you through BrainTap app and help you search for sessions, series and playlists.

Below you will find a video with the overall steps on how to use the search feature within the BrainTap Brain Fitness App. If you are interested in step-by-step instructions reference below this video. 


1. Open your BrainTap Brain Fitness App on your phone or tablet. Reference the bottom right-hand side and click on the Search button on the bottom right. 


2. Once you entered the search page, you will be able to scroll through series, playlists, and sessions. 

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3.) Type in the search bar, keywords to help you narrow down the BrainTap Library library. 


If you have any questions or concerns please contact support at (302) 721-6677 or support@braintap.com